Google Chrome adds a new feature


Google is seeking to increase the security level of the "Google Chrome" website, to protect its users from hackers' attacks and steal their passwords while browsing, thanks to Google's word verification feature. past.

Google has introduced a password verification featureVerify the password"Google Chrome Web Browser"Chromium"On computers in February this year, and plans to add this feature to the smartphone browser,"360 Gadgets".

This feature allows the user to know if his password has been compromised during the use of the browser, through a warning on the browser screen, in addition to # 39; help the user to get a new, more secure password.

This feature displays a warning to the user when he logs in to an important site on which he has to login with a password, using one of more than four billion names. 39; user and passwords known to be dangerous due to a data breach by a third party.

Since the launch of the feature, more than 650,000 people have registered during the first month and the service has verified 21 million usernames and passwords during this month, thus marking the security of more than 316,000 words, indicating that millions of people are vulnerable. At risk.

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