Google: Data is like sunlight and we continue to use and renew it


In a speech delivered Tuesday morning at the World Economic Forum, Ruth Porat, Google's chief financial officer, said: "The data, it's like sunlight for us, and we continue to use it and to renew it ". .

Most people know the phrase "the data is the new oil", a theory that shows that the most valuable resource in the world is information rather than oil. Like the oil barons who preceded them, Silicon Valley giants like Google, Facebook, and Amazon soon began planning their operations. New, even control the flow.

Borat talked about how Google uses data definitively, for example by developing an algorithm to detect the spread of breast cancer.

His comments come a day after a confrontation Google For its first major test according to the new rules of confidentiality in Europe, a law GDPRThe French data regulator fined the company $ 57 million Monday, saying the company had not explained what it was doing with the data of the people and had not obtained the appropriate authorization to target its ads.

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