Google Play opens pre-order for all developers


Google Play opens pre-order for all developers

Google announced today a series of changes to its Google Play store, primarily focused on game development, but also offers many features to developers, the most important of which is that pre-registration is now available for all developers. Option in 2015, and with the end of last year, the company has authorized developers to request access. It will now be available without request, etc.

In addition, the application packages announced at the Google I / O 2018 Developer Conference, which are now also used by many popular applications, will benefit from some enhancements, including exceeding the maximum size of APKs created from of application packages up to 150 MB For games and other large applications can now be used.

In a similar note, the store will now warn users of large downloads when the size of the application (or update) is greater than 150 MB. As before, it was 100 MB.

There are other improvements, such as the ability to test listings from Google Play Store, even design application listings for specific countries, as well as create instant apps from Unity games and much more that can be seen at the 2019 Game Developers Conference today.

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