Governor of Baraq The faithful advance on the martyr "Al Barqi" and convey condolences of the direction


The martyrdom of the duty of Sergeant Abdullatif bin Hassan Hiyaz al-Barqi, who died on the southern border of the Jazan region, was raised by the masses of worshipers today at the Sarah Al-Ajmi mosque.

Bareq Governor Zayed Al-Bannawi conveyed the condolences and condolences of the good leadership of the martyrs, asking God to grant his mercy to the martyr and to inspire patience and consolation of his family

. That the martyrdom of their son in defense of (19659006)

Bareq Farah Governor bin Zayed Al-Bannawi expresses his condolences and his sympathy Good for the people of the martyr, asking Almighty God to keep the martyr in the mercy of his mercy and to inspire his family and his patience The family of the martyr martyr expressed his pride and pride in the His son's martyrdom in dignity and dignity, stressing that his son's martyrdom to defend his homeland was a source of pride to him and his family, calling on Almighty God to embrace and forgive him.

25 July 2018

The Southern Border at Jazan

The crowd of worshipers today celebrated the prayers of the dead on the martyrdom of Sgt. Abdullatif bin Hassan Hiaza Baraki, who cited the southern border of Jazan, and Sarah Ajami Mosque.

The governor of Bareq Farah bin Zayed Al Bannawi introduced the faithful who conveyed the condolences and sympathy of the management

The family of martyr al-Barqi expresses his pride and pride in the martyrdom of his son in the area of ​​dignity and dignity, emphasizing that the martyrdom of his son for the defense of the homeland and his pride Glory be at the mercy of His mercy and be covered by his forgiveness and forgiveness.

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