Gros reveals the reality of freezing Zamalek excluded


Al-Swissri Gros, the technical manager of Zamalek, revealed that he had no frozen player on the sidelines of the news of his bilateral suspension, Mohamed Ibrahim and Mohamed Antar. The players, especially after being excluded from the camp of Alexandria since Saturday, next Wednesday, in the quarterfinals of the Egypt Cup.

Gros explained to Zamalek that he was using the elements he wanted to tap into at each step of the evidence that he had included in both camps for a short time. It is not great, anticipating the need for their efforts, but the question of the participation of any player depends on the technical need that he sees.

A source close to Zamalek said that Mohamed Antar, the white team's playmaker, was cured of the back injury, but was not 100% ready to technically participate in the games. Gros therefore preferred not to use his services at Camp Alexandria until he was ready.

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