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High blood pressure is dangerous if left untreated, so making an effort to reduce it and limit its development is extremely important.
High blood pressure is known as a common condition in which the force of the blood pushing against the walls of the arteries is constantly very high. This pressure gradually causes the arteries to harden and narrow, which means the heart has to work harder to pump blood throughout the body.
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This mechanism can increase the risk of a heart attack, so it is important to keep it under control. Poor oral hygiene increases the risk of developing high blood pressure. And new research suggests that if a person has redness, tenderness, or bleeding in their gums, it could lead to high blood pressure.
The research looked at 81 studies involving over 250,000 people in the UK, and the team found that people with moderate to severe gum disease have a 22% increased risk of developing high blood pressure.
Research has also found that people with periodontitis (also called periodontal disease, which is a serious infection of the gums that damages soft tissue and can destroy the bones that support teeth if left untreated) have a risk of 49 % of developing high blood pressure.
“Oral health is closely linked to public health. Dental and gum care are often overlooked, but they should be just as important as managing other public health risks,” said Dr Francesco Dayto , Head of the Periodontal Unit at the Eastman Dental Institute at University College London.
He added: “Brushing your teeth and the buildup of bacteria around the teeth causes bleeding gums and disease, but it can increase inflammation in the body and damage blood vessels.”
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He continued, “Right now, gum disease can be considered another cardiovascular risk factor. It involves inflammatory and immune activities, which leads to the production of inflammatory stimulating cytokines and epithelial destruction. “
This allows endotoxins and exotoxins to enter the bloodstream, which can contribute to atherosclerosis and thromboembolic events.
Gum disease is a chronic mixed infection caused by several microbial factors. And high blood pressure seems to be linked to periodontitis.
Symptoms of gum disease include red and swollen gums and bleeding gums after brushing or flossing.
Source: Express
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