Haifa Wehbe reveals why Elissa decided to retire


Reactions to Elissa's decision to retire after the release of her new album, which will be her last, continue to interact in the artistic community, while Lebanese singer Haifa Wehbe revealed the reasons why Elissa had taken this decision.

Why did you ask him why, Elissa?

O disadvantage of bombarding anyone injured if it is a job and no opinion, insults or unclean war.

"If you betrayed it once with taste or luck, dressed in a dress attacked by Diab.Millions of images saree before.

"All this and what happened to Bacon already knew the artist Shaw Amobiani about his life, his work and his health.

The last Shi said I asked him why? haha

Originally, this is the case of many celebrities in Ambiabano of people without conscience, whether business or cockroaches Social media !!!

Elissa will return under the sand of her lovers.

Elissa responded to what Haifa wrote where she wrote it: you are so nice.

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