Halima Boland provokes anger again by reviewing her property. Do you see what she did?


haleema u

A new video was posted on the social media sites of the Kuwaiti press Halima Boland in Istanbul, Turkey.

She was seen boarding a yacht and heard the voice of Kuwaiti actress and presenter Maha Mohammed announcing that the yacht had been presented to Halima, a sign that he was wearing his yacht. name.

The artist appeared in a video clip posted in the story "Story" on his account on "Instagram" accompanied by the media, noting that they will have lunch before the surprise of these.

The video on the yacht caused a sensation in the republished accounts on the application and allowed one of them to be viewed more than 100,000 times. However, the media has come up with many criticisms, where observers have found that they exaggerated their reactions and wanted to highlight the life of extravagance.

He sparked controversy sooner after appearing in a video surrounded by guerrilla guards recruited for protection while they were in the Turkish city.

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