Harvey and Weinstein Deny New Charge of Sexual Harassment


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American film producer Harvey Weinstein denied the sexual harassment of a woman in 2006 while he was appearing in a New York court for his third harassment case.

Weinstein denied all charges against him in two previous cases in June

. Weinstein's lawyer said his 66-year-old client was charged with sexual misconduct by more than 70 women, mostly young women. Allegations

The new charges date back to a ten-year prison term in 2006. In total, Weinstein incurs up to 25 years in prison if he is convicted of one of the charges against the two other women who accuse him of molesting in 2014 and 2013

The rise of Harvey and Ernestine to the world and his downfall

Judge at the New York Supreme Court The demand for House arrest of the prosecution over Weinstein allowed him to remain in custody on bail of $ 1 million since his trial in June

. 2006. The penalty for this charge is, if proven, life imprisonment.

Weinstein faces charges of rape and charges of sexual assault in previous cases.

The repeated accusations against Weinstein encouraged hundreds of women to embark on a campaign called "Me too" in which official charges were brought against businessmen, politicians and celebrities for sexual harassment .

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