Has the brotherhood in the Arab world reached “gargling”?



Ghassan Ramadan Youssef

Monday 09/08/2021 00:04 Abu Dhabi time

With the fall of the “Ennahda” movement in Tunisia, the last strongholds of the “Brotherhood” will fall into the governments formed after it was called the “Arab Spring”, except for the volatile situation in Libya.

In the Libyan situation, Turkey is trying to support the Brotherhood’s access to power by excluding other parties as usual, but this will not happen for two reasons, the first is the hatred of most of the Libyan people for Turkey’s policy, and the second is that the Libyan solution will only be a comprehensive national solution that will satisfy all the people, and that will be missed. An opportunity for the Brothers and their supporters at home and abroad.

Rashid Ghannouchi, the leader of the “Ennahda” Brotherhood, called in 2011 for Tunisia to take the model of the Turkish “Justice and Development” party in power, as if he wanted Turkish Tunisia and its brotherhood, but the approach to corruption and the appointment of family members to governance institutions, has caused the Brotherhood model to be rejected. Hatred is under siege at the popular level.

So today we are faced with a new reality in an Arab world which is almost devoid of Brotherhood rule, so it is to the merit of Tunisia, its people and its elected president, Qais Saeed, to end the expansion of the Brotherhood like cancer in the body of the nation, but the question remains: how will the issue be settled for the Tunisian Brotherhood? Will they find a safe haven in Turkey, as the Brotherhood of Egypt has found, before the Turkish president begins to abandon them after they were popularly and politically burned? Can we witness the immediate fall of the “Justice and Development Party” in Turkey, as we have witnessed the fall of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and Tunisia?

The answer is maybe, and it may not take long. It is true that the Turkish president is able to resort to subterfuge and alliances in the elections, which can save him even if he does not win the majority there, but the Turkish reality has changed and popular resentment has reached its climax for several reasons, the first of which is the level of economic suffering of the population The second is the corruption which has spread by appointing close family members to sensitive positions, which has led to read and increase the size of the state debt, and the third is the natural disasters that have befallen Turkey, such as floods and fires, and the inability of the Justice and Development government to deal with them or to help those affected by the people except by distributing tea, as a Turkish trader out of sarcasm.

أيضا يمكن الحديث عن التدخل في دول الجوار كسوريا والعراق وليبيا وإرسال جنود أتراك إلى دول إقليمية سعيا وراء حلم التوسع الوهمي, ما يجعل الشعب التركي يرى أبناءه وقد تحولوا إلى مرتزقة لمحاربة الآخرين, لذلك لا يستبعد البعض سقوط حزب “العدالة والتنمية” استكمالا لسلسلة السقوط الإخواني In the region.

Therefore, the compass remains pointed at him after applauding the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya, supporting their armed groups in Syria and using some of them as mercenaries to fight with them wherever he wanted, as in the Libyan case.

The last strongholds of the Brotherhood are on the verge of catching up with the collapsed sides of this terrorist organization which sought to seize power in certain countries of the region, until their condition approached the drowned man, who found no one to save him and whose repentance is not accepted because he has reached “the gurgling”. The arrival of the soul at the throat.

The opinions and information contained in opinion pieces express the views of the author and do not reflect the direction of the journal.

The problem of the Muslim Brotherhood with the Arab armies and security institutions

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