Health: 6038 pilgrims were received by 4 emergency centers of the Holy Mosque in Mecca

Health: 6038 pilgrims were received by 4 emergency centers of the Holy Mosque in Mecca
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The Ministry of Health announced that it had reviewed the emergency centers of the holy mosque of Mecca, 6038 pilgrims since the beginning of the month of Dhul-Qaida until the thirteenth day of Dhul-Hijjah, as well as the number of 4 centers equipped with the latest medical equipment and qualified medical personnel able to treat all cases. Intensive care.
She pointed out that all cases were settled and referred to Haram hospitals, indicating that the emergency centers were located in different parts of Haram al-Makki, No. 1 center on the first floor of Gate 85 at the door. 88 of King Fahd's enlargement on the west side of the Great Mosque. And center No. (2) next to the door of peace in the basement of the effort to the east of the Great Mosque, and works seasonally during the Ramadan seasons and pilgrimages and Haram Emergency Center No. (3) on the ground floor next to the Ismail Gate, and is working seasonally during the Ramadan and Pilgrimage seasons, The Emergency Campus no. ° (4) is located on the first floor, next to the Ajyad Bridge, and operates seasonally during the Ramadan and Hajj seasons.
Health services are provided to patients in these centers until they are cured and unloaded, or transferred to Ajyad Hospital as in cases of heart, high blood pressure and fractures, by a medical team consisting of a doctor and a nurse, by ambulance carts (golf) -Assorted to transfer cases to Ajyad Hospital in record time and complete necessary.
The Rahman Guest Service is one of the priorities and objectives of the Ajyad Emergency Hospital and the Holy Mosque Emergency Centers to enable them to perform the Hajj rituals in a simple way. and in good health.
The centers have 3 detection beds equipped with the latest equipment, including a CPR bed.
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