Health and Taif University deal with diabetes students


On the sidelines of the world day.

Health Affairs and the University of Taif organized World Diabetes Day activities under the slogan "Change your habits", where awareness-raising activities for diabetes and awareness messages have intensified, according to Hanan Thubaiti, Director of Health Awareness at Taif Health.

She explained that the events included messages to raise awareness about the importance of changing the daily habits of individuals and society to avoid diabetes, especially the use of peace instead of waiting for the elevator, the reduction the amount of meals and the replacement of fast food with healthy meals.

Al-Thubaiti emphasized the need to follow a healthy diet and exercise for at least 30 minutes, 5 days a week, which indicates that it protects against a number of diseases such as diabetes and osteoporosis.

She pointed out that the "edit_adtk" campaign was focusing on the importance of nutrition in promoting the health of the individual and preventing health problems, research showing that & ## s Adequate nutrition could reduce the risk of disease "prevention is better than cure".

The campaign included awareness of the causes and symptoms of diabetes, osteoporosis, dengue, antibiotics and prevention, as well as visitor controls, blood glucose measurement, distribution of brochures, leaflets and awareness brochures for all visitors.

The campaign was launched on the ground in Al-Dawar Park in Al-Mahani, Al-Radaf Park, Al-Taif Complex, Juri Shopping Center, Haddad Bani Malik Souk, Taif University and all internal hospitals in Taif and its affiliated centers.

Health education and health education outreach activities have expanded to a number of diseases, including the creation of a special section to raise awareness of osteoporosis, the Use of antibiotics without consulting a doctor, dengue fever and methods of prevention.

It should be noted that the campaign brought together the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Pharmacy, Taif University, King Faisal Medical Complex, Qia Hospitals, Qurei and Children's Hospitals.

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