Healthy diet to lose weight and stay healthy


A healthy diet that contributes to weight loss and overall health is also enriched by the nutrients needed by the human body, including the five major food groups. To learn more about healthy eating and the top five groups beneficial to the human body, follow up with

Healthy eating
Healthy eating is based on diversification

Anchors Healthy eating Sure A set of principles to respect to preserve public health, in particular:

  • Focus on eating vegetables and fruits because they contain a lot of fiber, nutrients and low calories in return. They improve feelings of satiety, reduce the risk of illness and reduce weight gain.
  • Reduce your salt intake and avoid eating processed foods, pickles and cheeses because they contain a lot of salt.
  • Diversification in foods: Contains only foods containing all the nutrients and the quantity adapted to the needs of the body.
  • Replace vegetables and fruits with snacks, while reducing the consumption of beverages and high-sugar foods, including sweets, soft drinks and energy drinks. Drinks and sweets also result in weight gain.
  • Stay away from canned and baked meats.
  • Drinking plenty of water increases concentration, reduces fatigue and can boost metabolism.

The five food groups

Foods are divided into five main groups, each containing foods that share a range of nutrients essential for human health, including:

  • GrainContains carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals. In this context, it is better to choose half of the intake of this group of whole grains, healthier and higher in fiber.
Healthy eating
Pills reduce hunger because they are high in fiber
  • The vegetablesIt contains a good amount of iron, magnesium, vitamin A, vitamin C, folic acid and fiber, and contains little fat.
Healthy eating
Vegetables are a nutritional source for human health
  • FruitsIt is rich in potassium, fiber, vitamin C and vitamin A and contains little fat. It is recommended to eat fresh instead of juice because it contains more fiber when it is correct.
Healthy eating
It's a good idea not to peel the fruits before eating them, in order to preserve their nutritional value.
  • Milk and dairy products: It is full of calcium, protein, vitamin A and vitamin D. It also has great benefits for heart health. It is generally advisable to choose low fat dairy products.
Healthy eating
Milk and its derivatives have health benefits in bulk
  • MeatContains a lot of protein, minerals and vitamin B. Lean meat is better.

Follow also:

A healthy diet to promote metabolism

Healthy diet for children from 5 to 12 years old

For pregnant women: healthy diet

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