HMD Global Oy plans to revive legendary Nokia 6300 and Nokia 8000 Series phones


Rumors have it that HMD Global Oy intends to revive two of the legendary Nokia phones, just as it has done with the Nokia 3310 and Nokia 8110. This time around, the company hopes to spark nostalgia among those who look up. remember the very popular Nokia phones.

Nokia 6300 is one of two models to be resurrected. With its classic look and sturdy stainless steel body, this phone was very popular with businessmen in its day and was an overall strong mid-range phone.

The other phone doesn’t seem to depend on the model, but its design is inspired by the Nokia 8000 Series line, as it had a retractable keypad cover and was famous for the craftsmanship in which it was used.

For example, the Nokia 8800 had a titanium body, while the Nokia 8800 Gold Arte had a gold-plated body, and the Nokia 8800 Sapphire Art was a sapphire gem in the D-Pad button.

However, it’s still unclear whether these devices will run KaiOS like the current HMD Global Oy lineup, which includes the Nokia 8110, Nokia 2720 Flip, and Nokia 800 Tough. Either way, these phones will be smarter than their classic counterpart. Both new models will support 4G LTE networks and are expected to go official in a few weeks.


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