Home Arabs and the world "Sunrise" Algerian: closed shops, street students and citizens looking for bread in my country


The response rate to Algerian appeals for "civil disobedience" and the "general strike" in the eastern provinces of Algeria varied, even though it reached almost 100% in some areas, the percentage being low in other areas. What remained open, despite the wave of exorbitant prices that some had created, to get rich behind the movement.

The strike was followed by marches for students and students, rejecting the fifth term.

Most areas of Batna state were paralyzed by traffic, with a large number of shops closed, leaving confusion and confusion among the general public, parallel to the exit of high school students and participating college parades in the streets. The broad masses of the population have opposed the calls for the unknown civil disobedience promoted by "Facebook", expressing their deep refusal to cause the disruption of the situation and alter the stability and tranquility, according to the newspaper "Sunrise "Algeria.

Over the last two days, large waves of citizens have bought large quantities of food and food on the markets in unprecedented ways, while some traders have taken the opportunity to raise prices and speculate on citizens. He appealed to traders, traders and bus owners to resume their activities and pursue a normal life.

Hundreds of high school students came out Sunday to demand a change and the president's refusal to stand for a fifth term: students took several streets downtown and then collectively gathered at the headquarters of the school. 39 State, where slogans demanding a change were issued. To call the closing of the stores, where the move was normal in Tabsa, despite the fears of some traders who all reopened their stores after the demise after seeing that they had taken advantage of the opportunity to sell and win at the expense of the corrupt property of citizens.

Thousands of high school students marched through the big cities of Jijel State during peaceful rallies, parallel to the strike in which Jijel State had recorded a record reaction after complete paralysis from all sectors, including trade and transport.

In the state capital, life was normal in the district of Al-Sawalif, while the shops of the neighborhoods of Fadilah Saadane and Fialali were closed, as well as downtown stores, including the two major markets at the outset The commercial, administrative and administrative activities of the new city of Ali Manjali, which numbered nearly half a million people, have proceeded normally and thousands of residents of Constantine settled in the city of Manjali to make purchases.

In the cities of Ain Asmara and Al-Kharub, business life is paralyzed and increasingly paralyzed. The people are totally opposed to this suspicious strike, and between what is considered a second step to meet the demands of the peaceful movement.

Nearly 90 percent of the leading merchants and traders in the state of Skikda closed their stores and decided to embark on an indefinite five-day strike, which surprised skeptics, who were not expecting to such an important response to the call for a national strike. Many have not been able to afford the necessary supplies, especially for those who are used to buying bags of milk and bread in the morning.

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