Home The Arabs and the world Syria returns to "its brothers" after an interruption of eight years. Arab boycott strangles Qatar with my country


After eight years of absence under the pressure of countries that support terrorism, under the leadership of Qatar, Syria has now returned to the fold of Arabs, with unprecedented and vast participation at the 29th session of the Arab Parliamentary Union, which was held in Amman. While Doha continued to be marginalized and excluded from Arab diplomatic forums organized by Riyadh, Sharm el-Sheikh and Abu Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates Foreign Minister Anwar Gargash recently declared.

At their meeting today, Arab officials welcomed the return of Damascus to the Arab ranks after showing clear resistance in its war on terror, as its return to the League of Arab States was imminent, thus ending the validity of the decision of the university council to freeze the members of Damascus. Qatar has adopted and mobilized for its passage in November 2011.

Syria's high participation in the Arab Parliamentary Union in Jordan and the "foreign emirates": absence of "Doha"

The session began today with the speech of the Speaker of the Jordanian Parliament, Atif Tarawneh, who invited his Syrian counterpart Hamouda Sabbagh to participate in the meeting. He said in his speech: "It is necessary to take effective measures to achieve a political solution guaranteeing the unity of the country and the Syrian people and reestablishing it.Basic for the stability of the region."

"Syria has always been the heart of Arabism and is present in every forum and founder of all Arab conferences and meetings," he said, adding that Damascus's participation in the conference of Amman and his presence among the brothers and lovers of Jordan were normal. "We are taking important steps towards final victory and many achievements have been accomplished."

In the wake of Arab countries' political and diplomatic crackdown on boycotts against Qatar, the UAE's State Minister for Foreign Affairs, Anwar Gargash, launched a violent attack today. against Doha. "The reason for Qatar's marginal presence in international fora is its isolation, about its surroundings."

Commenting on Qatar's low participation in the meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in Abu Dhabi, Gargash said in a blog on Twitter that "from Riyadh to Sharm el-Sheikh up to Abu Dhabi, you hardly see the Qatari representation,.

"The crisis that Qatar is experiencing today is not the choice of its citizens, it is the result of illogical narcissism and unfortunate choices of directing retirees and not The current generation must be saved from this powerless legacy, "said Foreign Minister Khalid bin. Ahmed Al Khalifa said the countries calling for the fight against terrorism were "boycotting" Qatar and not a "blockade", adding to the newspaper "the declaration" of the United Arab Emirates, that "Qatar will be part of the region once returned to adulthood, otherwise it is not necessary ".

While the speech of the President of the Arab Parliamentary Union, Ali Abdel-Aal, Speaker of the Egyptian Parliament, focused on the Palestinian issue and the importance of reaching a "two-state solution".

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