Houthi march injures 10 at King Abdullah airport … and another objection


The Command of the Coalition’s Joint Forces to Support Legitimacy in Yemen announced on Friday the fall of a trapped march on King Abdullah’s airport in Jizan, launched by the Iranian-backed Houthi militia. The coalition later revealed the destruction of a second trapped march that attempted to target civilians at the airport.

Coalition forces official spokesman Brigadier General Turki Al-Maliki said on Friday evening a march bomb hit King Abdullah’s airport in Jizan, through which thousands of travelers pass. civilians, including citizens, residents and different nationalities.

Al-Maliki said that “the attempted hostile attack left 10 civilians, passengers and airport workers injured, namely: 6 cases of passengers and airport workers of Saudi nationality, 3 cases of Bangladeshi airport workers and one Sudanese worker airport case.

The attempt also caused minor property damage, and some windows at the airport were smashed, according to the spokesperson.

King Abdullah Jazan Airport

King Abdullah Jazan Airport

Brigadier General Al-Maliki added that “the Houthi terrorist militia continues its immoral practices of trying to target civilians and civilian objects, and targeting a civilian airport may constitute a war crime for deliberately targeting civilians and civilian objects protected under special protection under international law. humanitarian law and its customary rules.

Al-Maliki stressed that “the leadership of the coalition’s joint forces, in the face of these hostile acts and immoral abuses by the Houthi militia, continues to implement operational measures to neutralize the sources of threat in the event of self-defense and imminence attacks in a manner which ensures the protection of civilian objects and civilians, and in accordance with international humanitarian law and its customary rules. “.

In a subsequent live broadcast from King Abdullah Airport, Al-Arabiya reporter Hassan Al-Tali confirmed that movements were normal at the airport, after air traffic only stopped. during 30 minutes.

He stressed that the material damage resulting from the hostile attempt is very minor and does not affect the normal movement at the airport.

On Wednesday, the coalition revealed the implementation of an operation targeting a boat assembly and trapping site in Hodeidah governorate, confirming the destruction of 3 boat traps at the site, which were equipped to carry out imminent attacks. .

And last Saturday, Saudi defenses intercepted and destroyed a trapped drone launched by the Houthi militia towards Khamis Mushait.

And last Friday, Saudi forces shot down another march targeting Jizan.

Yemeni government condemns attack

The Yemeni government viewed the targeting by Iranian-backed Houthi militia of King Abdullah Airport in Jizan, Saudi Arabia, as an “extension of its systematic and deliberate targeting of civilian objects, and a breach of appeals and efforts for calm, ”through tweets from Yemeni Information Minister Muammar Al-Eryani.

Al-Eryani was surprised by “the silence of the international community in the face of the crimes and violations of the Houthis, and their failure to place them and their leaders on international terrorist lists.”

The Yemeni Minister of Information said that “the attempts of the Houthi militia to inflict the greatest number of civilian victims of various nationalities confirm their bloody and their criminality”. He described the Houthi militia as “a terrorist organization which is no different from al-Qaeda and the Islamic State”.

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