How can women reach 90 years of age?


The health

    How can women reach 90 years of age?

Caiaimage / Tom Merton

Study reveals the secret of women reaching the age of 90

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – A woman should not stay more than an hour a day at retirement age if she wants to live longer, according to a new study.

Researchers have tracked the situation of about 8,000 men and women since the late 60s, while monitoring their level of physical activity over the next 22 years.

According to researchers at the BMJ Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, the most active men have shown a potential increase in survival up to 90 years.

But for women, the desired benefits were maximized when training for one hour a day, and then began to decline when the time was up.

The study included simple and moderate exercises, such as walking or cycling. The researchers found that 17% of men and 34% of women survived until the age of 90.

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Scientists from the Medical Center of Maastricht University in the Netherlands have discovered that exercise has a major impact on the chances of survival as long as possible.

Women who exercised 30 to 60 minutes a day were more likely to survive up to the age of 90, by 21%, compared to the exercise from day to day. an hour or more.

"While physical activity is associated with longevity in men and women, it seems that the more men spent time on physical activity each day, the easier it was to increase their chances of reaching adulthood, while 60 minutes of exercise per day were associated with higher odds Life expectancy has increased over recent decades, but has recently begun to decline in some developed countries, with increased levels of obesity and physical inactivity, which may be behind this trend.

Researchers do not know exactly why the effect of exercise on longevity is different by gender, but factors such as hormones, birth, genes, and lifestyle can affect the outcome .

The researchers also found that lean women had better chances of survival up to age 90, but that height and weight did not have an impact on men's survival.

Source: Daily Mail

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