How did Asala enter Lebanon? What a relationship of Qatar! What about the judiciary?


Asala Nasri arrived in Lebanon with her husband Tariq El-Erian two years after being arrested for drugs after being arrested at Beirut airport. She was accused of drug abuse and possession, before being thrown to jail. Appear before the Lebanese courts.

The Syrian criminal entered Beirut and was not transferred to trial because the case "is located" according to the Lebanese dialect.

I've come to imagine a TV episode for the month of Ramadan.

Here are those who missed the news Read: Asala Nasri was arrested at the Beirut Airport under the cocaine charge

At the time of writing these lines, Asala had not published any photos of her in Lebanon and only her friend Nicolas Gibran had published a welcoming photo as well as her presence in Beirut, defying the Lebanese people and all prisoners accused of drugs while his criminal girlfriend was considered free and challenged by Nicolas and provoked the prisoners without resources. Such as authenticity to free them from prison.

The show, which hosts Asala and her husband's current friend Nikola and his faction, will be broadcast on the network of Bein Qatar channels, and that's enough to know how came the originality of Lebanon after have been smuggled for possession and abuse of cocaine.

Al-Hazarwa: What is the whole story and how not to try the original in Lebanon:

1. Remember when Nidal Al-Ahmadiyya spoke to Arwa in a program (frankly) and said that the one who was saved from prison when she was arrested is the March 8 group loyal to Bachar al Assad.

2 – The person who interrogated her at the Beirut airport and who carried out her tests and proved her abuse of cocaine after her arrest, objected on 14 March to Assad.

Read: Nidal al-Ahmadiyya for Arwa: Asala and cocaine and the secrets of leaving Lebanon

3- March 14th belongs to Hariri

March 4-8 belongs to Assad, Bari and Nasrallah

5- If the author of the offense proves the group Hariri against Assad

6. Who was released from prison by Hezbollah, Syria and Berri group of the Assad people

7. Who introduced it in Lebanon on March 14, meaning Hariri

8. Support received to enter Lebanon without trial in Qatar

9 – It is a marvel in your opinion, but we have in Lebanon corrupt and lost we do not tire of dismantling the mess.

Simply originality mastered the art of dancing like monkeys.

Supporters of Assad have released him from prison.

Assad's enemies accused her of drugs.

A year ago, he threatened Lebanon and accused all Lebanese security forces of having invented the charges against him and prevented anyone from insulting him, including the Ministry of Justice. l & # 39; Interior.

Two weeks ago, it was announced that it was Hariri and that Rafik Hariri was the door.

How do you get Qatar and are you looking forward to Saudi Arabia at the same time? That's the question we leave to Gulf leaders and that has nothing to do with us.

Read: Drawing the security officials in Lebanon: Asala accuses the state and releases cocaine – document

Read: Asala Nasri tried to convince the investigators that they had used cocaine and thus stipulated her entry and exit.

Asala said that she would no longer enter Lebanon even with a billion dollars. Did Bein's chains get more than a billion dollars or did it lift the pound of a smaller Lebanese security officer?

In order to know all the legal procedures, we contacted the bell lawyer, Mr. Samer Semaan, and we stated:

1. What is consistent in law and in reality, is that originality can not come to Lebanon without judicial arrangements facilitating their entry and exit.

2 – Asala can enter Lebanon only through the mediation of those who have a link or a link with the judicial body as well as security.

3 – The entry of Asala in Lebanon is not only related to court decisions, but also to the second administrations have an attack on security, and in this regard, the authenticity arranged everything before coming to Lebanon and can not arbitrarily enter Beirut.

4 – Asala enters and leaves Lebanon normally, and this obviously does not apply to all those who have undergone the same legal status of possession (that is, possession and abuse). of drugs), and any other person who receives such a subject, has a judicial decision to stop or prosecute it, To prevent his entry into Lebanon, the originality was the subject of a special and distinct treatment of other peoples.

She has not received any privileged treatment, no arrangement, no legal proceedings and no charges of drug abuse. His case was neither tried nor prosecuted. This is why many people are wondering about this illegal treatment of Asala, assuming that all people are equal before the law and that we are the state of justice and law, is not do not you?

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