How the brain affects the weight loss process


It is no different if the dream of a slender, ideal body is difficult but not impossible, and above all requires determination, determination and perseverance in the process of weight loss and non-slackening.

Then comes the role of the mind in controlling this process and training the body to continue the slimming process, whatever the challenges. Nutrition experts and fitness trainers emphasize the need to train the mind to think formally and not to follow a health system, but to keep their body to eat healthy.

Benin Shaheen, a nutritionist at Fitness First Middle East, explains how to understand the reason for a particular diet and its main purpose, and how the whole process is related to the way of thinking.

How the brain affects the weight loss process

Shaheen emphasizes that when you follow the healthy diet, we have the opportunity to determine what we eat by:

• Improve the quality of the food we eat.

• Nourish the body with elements of high nutritional value.

• Moderate your diet and eat from time to time, without depriving the body of favorite foods from time to time.

• The results seem to be long-term and not short-term, and the most important thing we gain over this period is the maintenance of health.

• The need to understand the benefits of food and to know why it is necessary and especially to protect the body against many health risks and many diseases.

• Start to change gradually so that the body can accept more easily and each stage of our life begins with the brain. If the brain is convinced of change, we will achieve our goal and lose weight.

• Control the quality and quantity of food and not the other way around.

• The problem is not the food, but the bad habits that we practice while eating.

• Do not eat large amounts of food to feel comfortable or to celebrate events. You must therefore pay attention to an emotional diet.

Shaheen emphasizes that scientifically, the brain is the head of the endocrine system in the body, which controls all hormones and secretion.

Hormones get up while eating unhealthy foods

• Insulin: a hormone that controls blood sugar and increases the desire to eat sugary foods, making it difficult to lose weight.

• Cortisol: Excreted from the adrenal gland, also known as the stress hormone, where you feel laziness and fatigue, and more importantly, the desire to eat salty and sweet foods.

Thyroid: The thyroid is also affected by a poor diet, but its effects vary from one person to another and can result in an inability to lose weight, which motivates you to pursue a healthy diet.

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