How to grow sunflowers in Saudi Arabia at the right time


Sunflower is mainly grown for its oil, which is used for cooking and making soap and cosmetics, its seeds being high in protein and used as feed for livestock and poultry.

Requirements for growing sunflower

1. the climate

This crop requires a cold climate during the growth of germination and seedling, and warm weather from sowing to flowering.

2. the soil

It works well in shallow, light, neutral and well-executed soils as well as in heavy soils, the optimum pH of the soil for this crop is between 6.5 and 8.5.

3 – Land preparation and seeding

The soil should be at least 10 cm deep before seeding, which requires good rainfall or pre-seeding, with seed flow of 8 to 10 kg of well-filled seed per hectare. To control seed-borne fungal diseases Seed precipitation for 12 to 24 hours ensures a high and rapid percentage of germination, early emergence and crop formation. Seeds are drilled to a depth of 5 cm spacing of 45 cm between rows and 30 cm between plants.

4- fertilizer

The best yield performance when organic and inorganic fertilizers, nitrogen fertilizers, phosphorus and potash (NPK) scales are recommended for rainfed and irrigated crops is 20:30:20 and 40:60: 40 kg (NPK) of one hectare. successively.

5. Irrigation

In general, irrigation is sufficient for light and heavy soils, but the critical phases of water requirements are germination, flowering and grain filling.

6. Plant protection

Spray or endosulfan at 35 ° C 1000 ml in 500 liters of water per hectare or 10% of cabaryl 25 kg per hectare.

7 – Harvest and yield

The beans are harvested within 90 to 100 days. Harvesting should be done when the lower color of the head is turned yellow. The mature heads are cut with a hive and dried by exposing the upper surface of the seeds to the sun. Products that are well cleaned and stored in bags give the sunflower crops a grain yield of 300 to 500 kg per hectare in the rain and 800 to 1200 kg per hectare in irrigated crops.

Benefits of sunflower seeds

1 – Helps to improve cholesterol levels in the blood

Like many good nuts and seeds, sunflower seeds are a rich source of fat. In this monounsaturated and polyunsaturated state, they are known to reduce low density lipoprotein (LDL) levels, a known risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Sunflower seeds are high in fiber, which in itself helps to promote the secretion of in the stool and a similar reduction in total cholesterol, because cholesterol is necessary for the synthesis of new bile acids.

2 – helps maintain bone health

The bone is a living tissue that, like many other parts of the body, needs nutrition to maintain its ideal function, contrary to what one might think, it is a dead tissue. Although most people associate calcium with the metal responsible for bone health, it is only a team of essential nutrients. For example, the mineral plays a very important role, especially minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus and copper, which ensure proper bone mineralization. Bone mineralization is a mechanism designed to ensure the bone a certain density that allows it to bear its responsibilities, it is without mineralization Wasp m, bone is weak and structurally vulnerable to fractures easily.

Helps to control blood sugar

Diets containing a large amount of nuts and seeds as part of their daily meal plans have been positively correlated with a low rate of diabetes progression, complications related to exacerbation of diabetes and overall management of blood glucose . Fibers that slow down the absorption of blood sugar, while magnesium helps to improve the sensitivity of insulin, which improves the control of blood glucose levels in the majority of consumers.

4. Promote healthy detoxification

Selenium is an important mineral to help eliminate waste from the body and plays a role in many biological processes, including the maintenance of glutathione, a most powerful natural antioxidant in the body, that the liver uses to protect itself from the effects of the body. metabolic metabolism. Helps stimulate repair of damaged cells due to the effect of toxins on them.

5. Support the health of your skin

Sunflower seeds are an excellent source of vitamin E, which plays a vital role in the health and maintenance of skin, reduces vitamin E oxidative damage caused to skin cells by UV rays, helps to reverse some, helps keep your skin young, is widely used in the cosmetic industry to promote skin health, where oral intake is the best way to skin.

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