How to invest in the yellow resonance Al-Rajhi Bank and the conditions for opening a gold wallet inside the bank


How to invest in the resonant yellow Al Rajhi Bank? Many customers of Al-Rajhi Bank ask about this service, and this is because Al-Rajhi always strives to provide competitively priced services, especially in yellow or resonant yellow gold, and c is because it is one of the most distinguished banks that provide the customer with security, in addition to the low risk you may be exposed to when investing in gold, so let’s learn more about how to ‘invest.

How to invest in the yellow resonance Al Rajhi Bank?

You can invest in resonant yellow as it has been mentioned on the mouths of Arabs in the past which is yellow gold, so that you can start investing through the bank’s official website, you should now see these steps:

  • Immediately access Al Rajhi Bank vault using this link.
  • Scroll down to Invest in Gold Trading.
  • Make sure you click “Apply Now”.
  • A data window appears, in which you enter (your full name, your nationality if you are Saudi or not Saudi, male or female).
  • You start to fill in the data (such as your age, national identification number or residence number “until you are recognized by the bank”).
  • You have to answer a question whether you have a bank account or not.
  • You need to confirm the financial information whether your salary is transferred to Al Rajhi Bank or not.
  • Put the monthly salary and the sector in which you work, whether it is government or private.
  • Now you start entering contact information from a cell phone number or email, the region you live in, as well as the appropriate time to contact you.
  • After completing this data, you should click on the verification code and start sending the request immediately.

Buy gold bars at Al Rajhi bank

Previously, we wanted to write an answer on how to invest in resonant yellow bank Al Rajhi. Now, we are going to find out some of the benefits that you will get when you buy Al Rajhi ingots, and here are the benefits in the following points:

  • If you want to invest in gold, you have a profitable investment that does not involve any loss or risk.
  • You can buy and sell at any time, and it will be done through gold dealers, and therefore nothing is deducted from the alloy.
  • There are no taxes or labor on the bars, so you can sell them at the current price without losing any money in return.
  • You can shape these bars and turn them into jewelry, then you can sell them for more profit or you can invest in them.

Al Rajhi’s Gold Wallet Fee

There are no administrative fees or charges when opening an Al Rajhi gold wallet, but if you want to open a wallet, the minimum amount should be 10 grams.

What are the method and conditions for buying gold bars from Al Rajhi Bank

After knowing the answer to the question of how to invest in the resonant yellow Al Rajhi Bank, now we will know more about the terms of purchase, and here are the details:

  • If you are a resident or non-resident and want to start investing, you must be at least 18 years old.
  • The minimum amount to buy grams of gold and to invest is 10 grams.
  • If you want to open a wallet within Al-Rajhi Bank, you need to document the gold you wanted to buy before opening the wallet.
  • The person has to open the wallet by making an electronic request through the website, and you can complete the rest of the data or update through one of the bank branches near you.
  • You can also buy gold through the many electronic trading operations that Al-Rajhi Bank has been keen to place for you on their website, so immediately take advantage of the full services that are listed for you.
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