How to know who is stealing the speed of the Internet from your home


"The speed of the Internet in your home is slow, even if you only have one or two devices up," a phrase that has infuriated many Internet users around the world.

After repeated connections between the user and the ISP, "Internet discovers more than once there are" aliens "who are stealing his speed on the Internet. [19659002] But the specialized PCMagazine technical site offers two main applications that can be used to identify devices that use the Internet and help you get rid of them. "The" suckers "of them too.

A number of" thieves " speed "use many suspicious applications that can (19659002) – Download the Wireless Network Watcher program, which is the best way to get rid of your Internet speed, and how to stop it.

– Both programs will display a list of devices that use Wi-Fi on your device.

– The list in front of you may seem encrypted, especially if you're not a technology expert, so ignore IP addresses and focus you're ur the "Device Name" and "Network Adapter Company" columns.

This lists your devices and your family, but you can find other names you do not know, so double-click on a name you do not know, to find reliable information and what to do. it consumes your Internet speeds. If you find that it steals your speed and does not want to be on your network.

– But after that, you must take another important step, that is to change the password, for "Wi-Fi" Make it more complex and prohibit the display of any personal information about you on behalf of your wireless Internet.

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