How to prevent illness after returning from the trip


Berlin – After his return from a pleasant vacation, his beautiful memories soon begin to fade. She begins to suffer from lethargy, sore throat, sneezing, gastroenteritis and diarrhea. But many people have heard of exposure to these symptoms when traveling to certain countries, due to climate change, food quality, water quality and the spread of some viruses or bacteria and do not connect them to what they are facing even after they return to their home country.

"When you travel, you are exposed to viruses with which you are not familiar," says Mark Dresner, a family doctor who has participated in 14 medical missions to Honduras and two along the Amazon. in Brazil.

"At home, you are exposed to old cold viruses against which you have acquired sufficient immunity.When traveling, you are exposed to similar viruses originating from the country you are visiting, but they are so different that they fall sick, "said Drissner.

The other suspect causing illness after returning from travel is the confined space, whether it is an airplane, a cruise ship, a car or the vast interior spaces where we resort when it is cold or raining.

"Viruses and bacteria spread very quickly between people by coughing, sneezing, and transmission of the disease can also occur by touching objects touched by an infected traveler," said Robert Winters, a specialist in infectious diseases. Santa Monica, California.

The statistics differ according to the number of times a person feels the face several times an hour or hundreds of times a day, but there is only one strong germ to get to his new home.

The gift back can be only a cold, which gradually accompanies a blockage of the nose and perhaps a slight discomfort to the chest. But if the symptoms persist for more than five days and change the color of the mucus and the patient feels fever, fatigue and discomfort, consult your doctor.

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