How to protect your bones with your progress Journal Al-Anba


Science says that the older a person gets, the smaller their bones become, making them vulnerable to many diseases, which requires special care to protect them from fractures.

Fortunately, a person can take steps to prevent osteoporosis and prevent it from breaking, according to the advice of doctors at the Cleveland Clinic in the United States.

To eat vegetables

Vegetables are the best source of vitamin C, which stimulates the production of bone cells. Several studies have shown that vegetables help extend bones with the minerals needed to strengthen them.

Power exercises

Exercise strength exercises, i.e. Putting pressure on certain joints, is particularly important for people with joint insufficiency of the lower limbs, such as knee or hip.

Vitamin D.

To help absorb calcium, most adults need 1,000 to 2,000 units of vitamin D a day. Because calcium and vitamin D pills do not meet this requirement, doctors advise sun exposure.

Load weight

Weight-bearing exercises are among the best exercises to build bones and are the most effective, but it is recommended to limit these weights.

Do not over-smoke

The loss of bone density is related to smoking and drinking alcohol. If you smoke, look for a program that will help you quit smoking and negatively affect your bones.

Density control

Doctors can get a quick x-ray to make sure the bone density is intact. This test helps to determine the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.

To take pills

Women and men with chronic osteoporosis can take many medications to prevent serious fractures, especially to the hip and spine bones. Consult your doctor.

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