I was beaten and insulted and my father was locked up


"Civil Defense" came and released me from detention and registered an official communication

Khamis Mushait's torture attorney of " Sabd "revealed new details of the harassment caused by the publication of a video She appealed to the Guardian of the Two Holy Mosques and his Crown Prince to protect her from the abuses she was subjected to.

She said: I was beaten and insulted by several members of my family and imprisoned for seven years in my father's house. For the outside of the Kingdom to use the civil defense, who attended and edited my brother "I went to my mother's house and I stayed several days before my mother asked me", did -she says. And I tried to get my father's number through the intermediary of my sisters who refused to give me the number, and I wanted to talk to him about security before he got home. home, and after that it was not possible to record a video To realize that I would be subjected to violence again.

During her interview, I was surprised by a woman and several people who asked me to go to the police station, interrogate and threaten her. ;imprisonment.

and came back to confirm that the publication of the section was due to the circumstances and the psychological pressure suffered by the absence of those who accompany him. And the introduction of the psychiatric clinic, even if it is full

One of the girls of the province of Khamis Mushayt launched a cry of Istnajad through a video transmitted by several social media in which she seeks to save her from domestic violence, which is exposed to her by her family and she hesitated on several official occasions. He did not interact with his communication and did not provide protection as well as the introduction of the psychiatric hospital and said that he is in danger.

Revealed then informed sources of the "precedent" that the girl is suffering bitter between divorced divorced mother her daughter and an elderly father did not contain her husband and emigrated him

Sources confirmed that the girl had the A habit of beating and abusing his mother asked her daughter to leave her house, located in one of the adjacent governorates in the governorate of Khamis Mushayt, which led the girl to take refuge. in one of the families and to hide for fear of oppression of his family.

Premeditation of Khamis Mushayt for "preceded": I was beaten and insulted and imprisoned and my daughter


The Attorney from the conviction Khamis Mushayt revealed to Sabd new details about the case of abuse that she was victim of, which was at the origin of the publication of She recounts: I was beaten and insulted by several members of my family and extended until my imprisonment and my daughter did not spend more than seven years in my father's house.

She continued saying, "I have been in the house for a long time, I went to my mother's house where I stayed. One day, before my mother asked me to leave, she said to me," J & I was afraid to face the violence, I addressed one of the families who honored me, my daughter and me, and we strived to give him my father's number.

She added: I received a call from one of my sisters to ask for a meeting in a mall with her father because she wanted to see me after that. " she assured me that it would not hurt me and that she was surprised by a woman and several people. They ask me to go with them

After the publication of the "precedent" for my plea, I was summoned again and my statements were based on statements that were not dictated by my father interrogated him and silently after being threatened with three months of imprisonment.

One of the girls from Khamis Mushayt province had uttered an extortionist cry through a video transmitted by a number of social media in which she was asked to save her from the domestic violence she was suffering from. She is exposed to her family, she said in her appeal Protection has been repeated on several official bodies, but these agencies have not interacted with the communication and have not ensured the protection as well as the Introduction of the psychiatric hospital and said that he was in danger.

And revealed at the time familiar sources of "precedent"

Sources confirmed that the girl had the habit of beating and abusing her family, which led her to Took refuge with her divorced mother, the mother having only asked her daughter to leave her house in one of the provinces adjacent to Khamis Mushait province, which led the girl to resort to a family and guard (19659029) and published a "pre" call to the girl through a video that she had recorded.

07 July 2018 – 23 Shawwal 1439

11:43 PM

"Civil Defense" came and released me from detention and registered an official statement

The Convict Khamis Mushayt revealed to "Sabad" new details on the issue of harassment that was exposed to the publication of a video call to the Custos of the Two Holy Mosques

She said: I was beaten and insulted by a number of members of my family and extended to my imprisonment and my daughter, who does not move Seven years in my father's house, who closed the doors of the house and traveled out of the Kingdom to use the civil defense that I attended and released from detention and recorded an official communication, and informed a number of concerned parties of my appeal. "I went to my mother's house and I stayed several days before my mother asked me to leave." I feared to face the violence again, I went to see a family who mourned. honored and helped me and my daughter. The way my sisters refused to provide me

I received a call from one of my sisters who was asking for a meeting in one of the malls with her father on the grounds that she wanted to see me after having assured me that I would go home.

She said: After the publication of a "precedent" for my plea, I was called again and my words were not quoted, and I did not not said the least that dictated by my father to the interrogator and silently After being threatened with three months of imprisonment.

She came back to confirm that the publication of the section was due to the circumstances and the psychological pressure experienced by the absence of those who accompany her and enter the mental clinic, even a full force mental.

A girl from the province of Khamis Mushayt uttered a cry of Istnajad. In her call for protection, she said that she had hesitated over several official instances, but that these authorities did not interact with her communication and did not protect her by entering the psychiatric hospital and saying that she was in danger

. For "before", the daughter T.

The sources confirmed that the girl had the habit of beating and abusing her family, which led her to go to school. escape to the home of his divorced mother, so it was only the mother who asked her daughter to leave Her home, located in one of the provinces adjacent to the province of Khamis Mushayt, drove the girl to take refuge in one of the families and to shelter for fear of the oppression of his family. 19659040] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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