"I will not live in my father's djellaba"


Video The son of Khaled Saleh: "I will not live in Jilbab Abi" News from the Observatory, citing the homeland we are publishing video | The son of Khaled Saleh: "I will never live in my father's dilemma", Video The son of Khaled Saleh: "I will not live in Jilbab Abi" We will send our new News Today visitors through our news observatory and start with the news, the video | Khaled Saleh's son: "I do not live in my father's jilbab."

The news observatory Ahmed Khalid Saleh, the son of the late artist Khalid Saleh, said he wanted to become a pilot.

During his presentation on his father at the MEPC, he stated that he preferred to study at the Faculty of Political and Economic Sciences because of the political momentum that the country witnessed after the revolution .

He continues: "I attended a theater class, and I was told to play a representative of Dad's costume and I told them that I would not live in my father's djellaba. "

And Abizaid: "But I was sure I liked the theater, and the first piece I participated in was after Baba's death five months ago."

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Source: الوطن