If you are growing up in age 5. Need to change your food .. Take care of protein and drink liquids


As you get older, your body's functions and needs change, which means that your diet needs to change to stay healthy. In this report, we learn how to change diets as we get older.Prevention"He said.

1 – increase the amount of protein per day

As we age, we naturally lose muscle mass, but research shows that adding protein to your diet can help you maintain your muscles and build new ones, as well as foods containing protein: meat, poultry , seafood, etc. Nuts, chickpeas, eggs, dairy products and legumes.


Reduce your calorie intake

The amount of muscle you have naturally decreases with age, slowing your metabolism or metabolism, which means you do not need too many calories to maintain your lifestyle.

After the age of 40, the average number of calories per person decreases by about 10% every 10 years. Thus, a person needing 2,000 calories at age 40 will need about 1,400 calories at age 70.

Add foods rich in vitamin B12

As we age, some nutrients become more difficult, such as meat, fish, poultry, vitamin B12, which plays a vital role in nerve enhancement, cellular metabolism, and red blood cell formation. Dairy products.

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4. Get more calcium and vitamin D.

As you get older, calcium and vitamin D are important nutrients, both of which play a vital role in bone health and can help protect against osteoporosis and fractures.

Foods rich in calcium are cow's milk, fish like salmon and tuna, which are also sources of vitamin D.


5. drink water

Preserving moisture helps maintain the function of all the organs in your body, fighting fatigue and eliminating headaches.

Although dehydration can happen to everyone, it increases with age because your kidneys are less able to retain water. The usual medications for heart disease and blood pressure can also affect your body's ability to retain water, the American heart.

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