If you breed cats and dogs at home .. Mushrooms and price sickness when you neglect them


The breeding of a pet is one of the most common things these days. In many homes, the family has a dog or a cat. This new spirit at home requires a lot of attention and care to avoid the adverse health effects of neglecting food quality, cleanliness and immunization. In the house, it's like having a small child with you at home and needing care for the rest of your life.

During this report, we will identify the diseases that affect the human being when he neglects his pet, according to the site "children's health"Who insisted that pet care is a wonderful educational experience for children, because they teach them responsibility and respect for other living beings, as well as affection and compassion.

The report said that pets carry germs, bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi that can cause the disease, if they are transmitted to humans. These diseases are transmitted by animals when they are bitten or scratched with fingernails or when they are handling animal feces or saliva. The fact that these diseases can affect humans in many ways is a major concern for children, infants, pregnant women and people with immunological diseases.

The report pointed out that with the presence of dogs and cats at home, pay attention to the following points:

– Infection with Campilobacter: it can be transmitted by domestic animals carrying Campylobacter Gioni bacteria, causing diarrhea, abdominal pain and fever, which can be found in the intestines of infected dogs and cats, on contact water, stool or contaminated meat. Milk well or not pasteurized, the treatment will be antibiotic.

– Cat scratch disease: It can occur when a person infected with the bacteria Bartona Hensella is stung or scratched. Symptoms include swollen lymph nodes, fever, headaches, and a feeling of fatigue that usually lurks untreated.

Rabies is a serious disease caused by a virus entering the body through a bite or wound infected by the saliva of an infected animal, and among the animals likely to be carriers of the virus, include the dog and cat.General vaccination of dog and cat has reduced the transmission of rabies in these animals and in humans, A vaccine is available for treatment after the bite of an animal likely to contract rabies.

The report provides some important tips to reduce the incidence of diseases related to pet breeding at home, including:

– Pay attention to basic vaccinations of animals, especially against viruses.

– Bring your dog or cat to the vet every two months to check his health.

– Adopt good tips to keep your pet healthy and get rid of fungi and other skin diseases.

– Clean well the sleeping place of the animal.

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