An American fashion magazine revealed the mystery of Duchess Susanne Megan Markle's visit to New York.
Harpers Bazaar magazine, citing unnamed sources, said that Megan Markle had arrived in New York to attend a special ceremony for her newborn baby.
It's the first time that a former American actress returns to the United States since her marriage to Prince Harry at a celebrity party at Windsor Castle in May.
The Kenzington Palace declined to comment on the information that Markle, 37, will be attending the celebration of his child's arrival. Markell was spotted Tuesday afternoon going out of a luxury hotel on the Upper East Side in Manhattan.
The "Harpers" magazine, which Merkel arrived in New York last Friday, should be the guest of honor at the ceremony to be held in the hotel where you will be traveling.
Merkel and Harry are scheduled to pay an official visit to Morocco from February 23-25.
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