In response to complaints .. Remove random "Habhb" pieces from the vegetable market


Vehicle and pedestrian traffic was obstructed, sidewalks were busy and the public appearance was distorted.

A field inspection campaign was conducted by the Municipality of Taif, represented by the Market Service Observers within the service agency, as well as by all the random booths of Al -Habhab on the sidewalks and outer squares of the Central Market of fruits and vegetables, according to the instructions of the Secretary General of Taif, the engineer Mohammed Bin Humail Al-Hamil; General in response to complaints from parents and traders.

Obstruction of these random sections of pedestrian and pedestrian traffic has been observed on the market, pavement occupancy, deformation of the overall appearance, and resulting residues and distractions, which have negative effects on the traffic. consumer and the environment of the place.

The Secretariat's mechanisms – supported by a security force – have put an end to Habahab and Al Khubab's violations, following the owners' non-response to repeated warnings from the Secretariat.

The Secretariat stated that sellers wishing to engage in fruit and vegetable activities should follow appropriate procedures to practice the profession, without going through sidewalks, roads, car parks or pedestrian lanes to conduct activities in flagrant violation. regulations and instructions, noting that monitoring rounds were continuing and will continue during the coming period to prevent excesses or irregularities.

In response to complaints .. Remove stretches of vegetables "Habhab" from the random market


A field inspection campaign was conducted by the Municipality of Taif, represented by the Market Service Observers within the service agency, as well as by all the random booths of Al -Habhab on the sidewalks and outer squares of the Central Market of fruits and vegetables, according to the instructions of the Secretary General of Taif, the engineer Mohammed Bin Humail Al-Hamil; General in response to complaints from parents and traders.

Obstruction of these random sections of pedestrian and pedestrian traffic has been observed on the market, pavement occupancy, deformation of the overall appearance, and resulting residues and distractions, which have negative effects on the traffic. consumer and the environment of the place.

The Secretariat's mechanisms – supported by a security force – have put an end to Habahab and Al Khubab's violations, following the owners' non-response to repeated warnings from the Secretariat.

The Secretariat stated that sellers wishing to engage in fruit and vegetable activities should follow appropriate procedures to practice the profession, without going through sidewalks, roads, car parks or pedestrian lanes to conduct activities in flagrant violation. regulations and instructions, noting that monitoring rounds were continuing and will continue during the coming period to prevent excesses or irregularities.

March 10, 2019 – 3 Rajab 1440

1:06 p.m.

Vehicle and pedestrian traffic was obstructed, sidewalks were busy and the public appearance was distorted.

A field inspection campaign was conducted by the Municipality of Taif, represented by the Market Service Observers within the service agency, as well as by all the random booths of Al -Habhab on the sidewalks and outer squares of the Central Market of fruits and vegetables, according to the instructions of the Secretary General of Taif, the engineer Mohammed Bin Humail Al-Hamil; General in response to complaints from parents and traders.

Obstruction of these random sections of pedestrian and pedestrian traffic has been observed on the market, pavement occupancy, deformation of the overall appearance, and resulting residues and distractions, which have negative effects on the traffic. consumer and the environment of the place.

The Secretariat's mechanisms – supported by a security force – have put an end to Habahab and Al Khubab's violations, following the owners' non-response to repeated warnings from the Secretariat.

The Secretariat stated that sellers wishing to engage in fruit and vegetable activities should follow appropriate procedures to practice the profession, without going through sidewalks, roads, car parks or pedestrian lanes to conduct activities in flagrant violation. regulations and instructions, noting that monitoring rounds were continuing and will continue during the coming period to prevent excesses or irregularities.

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