Including ammunition, cannons and powder .. know about the operations of the Jazan Mujahideen in two


72 smugglers, 2142 infiltrators and 59 accused were arrested in various cases

Khalid bin Abdullah bin Qiziz, spokesman for the Mujahideen Branch in the Jazan region, revealed a number of results and seizures of teams in the Mujahideen activities in the fight against smuggling and the promotion of drugs and liquors, weapons and the prevention of infiltration during the first half of this year.

In detail, "Qiziz" said that seventy-two smugglers, two thousand one hundred and forty-two infiltrators had been arrested and the arrest of one thousand two hundred and fifty-nine defendants in various cases.

He explained that the accused was in possession of a number of bans, including two different weapons, one thousand nine hundred live ammunition and various types of ammunition stores.

He said: "Qiziz": was seized 52 kilograms and eight hundred and ninety grams of cannabis drug, 600 grams of suspected anesthetic powder and sixty-two liters of alcohol. alcohol, as well as eleven and eighty-four kilograms and five hundred and twenty-six grams of khat, twenty-one of the Cepagon tablets, nine sacks of stain, and one "cigarette" of 1920 smoked contraband.

He continued: reserved for 201 cars and seven motorcycles for use in various smuggling crimes and (50,476) Saudi riyals.

He pointed out that the men of the Mujahideen Department in the Jazan region are involved in the fight against smuggling and infiltration crimes, reinforce the presence of security within the limits of the branch's responsibilities, monitor the roads and oaks inhabited by smugglers and infiltrators, and carry out foot patrols.

Including ammunition, cannabis and powder .. know about Jazan mujahideen operations in six months


Khalid bin Abdullah bin Qiziz, spokesman for the Mujahideen Branch in the Jazan region, revealed a number of results and seizures of teams in the Mujahideen activities in the fight against smuggling and the promotion of drugs and liquors, weapons and the prevention of infiltration during the first half of this year.

In detail, "Qiziz" said that seventy-two smugglers, two thousand one hundred and forty-two infiltrators had been arrested and the arrest of one thousand two hundred and fifty-nine defendants in various cases.

He explained that the accused was in possession of a number of bans, including two different weapons, one thousand nine hundred live ammunition and various types of ammunition stores.

He said: "Qiziz": was seized 52 kilograms and eight hundred and ninety grams of cannabis drug, 600 grams of suspected anesthetic powder and sixty-two liters of alcohol. alcohol, as well as eleven and eighty-four kilograms and five hundred and twenty-six grams of khat, twenty-one of the Cepagon tablets, nine sacks of stain, and one "cigarette" of 1920 smoked contraband.

He continued: reserved for 201 cars and seven motorcycles for use in various smuggling crimes and (50,476) Saudi riyals.

He pointed out that the men of the Mujahideen Department in the Jazan region are involved in the fight against smuggling and infiltration crimes, reinforce the presence of security within the limits of the branch's responsibilities, monitor the roads and oaks inhabited by smugglers and infiltrators, and carry out foot patrols.

March 13, 2019 – 6 Rajab 1440

The time now is 08:28 PM

72 smugglers, 2142 infiltrators and 59 accused were arrested in various cases

Khalid bin Abdullah bin Qiziz, spokesman for the Mujahideen Branch in the Jazan region, revealed a number of results and seizures of teams in the Mujahideen activities in the fight against smuggling and the promotion of drugs and liquors, weapons and the prevention of infiltration during the first half of this year.

In detail, "Qiziz" said that seventy-two smugglers, two thousand one hundred and forty-two infiltrators had been arrested and the arrest of one thousand two hundred and fifty-nine defendants in various cases.

He explained that the accused was in possession of a number of bans, including two different weapons, one thousand nine hundred live ammunition and various types of ammunition stores.

He said: "Qiziz": was seized 52 kilograms and eight hundred and ninety grams of cannabis drug, 600 grams of suspected anesthetic powder and sixty-two liters of alcohol. alcohol, as well as eleven and eighty-four kilograms and five hundred and twenty-six grams of khat, twenty-one of the Cepagon tablets, nine sacks of stain, and one "cigarette" of 1920 smoked contraband.

He continued: reserved for 201 cars and seven motorcycles for use in various smuggling crimes and (50,476) Saudi riyals.

He pointed out that the men of the Mujahideen Department in the Jazan region are involved in the fight against smuggling and infiltration crimes, reinforce the presence of security within the limits of the branch's responsibilities, monitor the roads and oaks inhabited by smugglers and infiltrators, and carry out foot patrols.

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