Including two policemen. 4 Kuwaitis and Saudis stole the arrivals with a toy gun


Including two policemen. 4 Kuwaitis and Saudis stole the arrivals with a toy gun

Source: Editorial team

The security services of the State of Kuwait arrested four citizens and a Saudi national, including two policemen from the Ministry of the Interior, for taking the arrivals to Salmiya, threatening them with a firearm.

According to the local newspaper "Rai", the defendants were referred to the criminal investigation and appeal of people affected by similar operations.

The incident began with the arrest of members of the security forces who asked for help after being threatened by five people who banned him in Salmiya Street and then forced him to return his belongings. Kuwaiti and Saudi nationals, and it appeared that a Saudi national and another national of the police at the Ministry of Interior had seized a toy pistol and had been returned to the police station.

The investigation revealed that the defendants had used the gun to intimidate expats and rob them of what they possessed. They then recognized what had been attributed to them and had been referred to the criminal investigation to complete the legal proceedings against them.

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