Increased incidence of obesity and diabetes in the UAE


According to estimates, the number of diabetics ranges from 1 to 5 in the UAE: 47.5% of them are overweight, the BMI is between 25 and 30, and 13% are obese.

Obesity has been identified as a serious health problem in the UAE with statistics showing that more than 66% of men and 60% of women, including children and adults, are overweight or obese.

According to a study published in the BMC, the United Arab Emirates ranks fifth in the world in terms of obesity rate, ranking just behind countries such as the United States, Kuwait and Qatar.

It is known that being overweight or obese increases the risk of type 2 diabetes, especially if there is excess weight around the abdomen. Vasanol is an important hormone that produces glucose (sugar) in cells: when a person is overweight, the body's cells become less sensitive to the insulin produced by the pancreas.

It has been proven that fat cells are more resistant to insulin than muscle cells. If a person has more fat cells than muscle cells, insulin becomes less effective in the form of: Generally, glucose circulates in the blood rather than being brought to the cells to be used as energy. This results in insulin resistance and a consistently high concentration of blood sugar – one of the signs of diabetes.

Current statistics show that the average number of adults in the UAE consumes more than 3,000 calories a day, about 20% more than the average. The recommended daily calorie intake for adult men should be 2,500 calories and for women 2,000 calories a day.

"Unhealthy lifestyle, hot weather, frequent meals, fast food and lack of physical activity," said Dr. Gyeongju Jeong, consultant in gastroenterology and diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy at the hospital International Mediore 24 × 7 Al Al. And fewer hours of sleep and stress are all major factors contributing to high rates of obesity and diabetes. The proportion of obese people with type II diabetes 85%, a type related to lifestyle But 50% of patients with diabetes, especially type II, They do not know that they are suffering from the disease. It is therefore very important to undergo the examination. Regular medical treatment. "

And confirms d. "Obesity is a problem that can affect the development of UAE as a country and needs to be managed immediately and effectively." Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, arterial blockage, cancer, skin diseases, osteoporosis and gout are all diseases that affect obese people.

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