Injuries strike the crescent before Ahli


Injuries strike the crescent before Ahli

Riyadh – Sports

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Croatian coach Zoran Mamic is confused after a series of injuries to his team. Their participation in the semifinal semi-final of the Zayed Cup is uncertain.
The Brazilian Carlos Eduardo was the first injured. He left for Serbia on Friday for a muscular injury, which he asked to attend after seeing the radiation he had issued yesterday.
The Brazilian is injured in the face of his team against Qatar's Al-Dahil in the second round of the AFC Champions League on Tuesday, who has left the stadium and will be missing from the showdown. Arab Ahli.
Former French striker Pavitimbe Gomez, who left the country for regular medical visits, was interviewed by Al Ahly.
While the last injured in the Hilali Nawaf Al-Abed team, who had abdominal pain and prevented him from participating in Friday exercise and attendance at the clinic's club, the player had improved and had recovered from an inflamed lower abdomen and had participated in the team exercises the past few days, while preferring Zoran. Australian defender Milos Djink gave the team three days off.

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