Instability in the Arab world encourages "terrorism" (Aboul Gheit)


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Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul Gheit said on Monday that the lack of stability in security in some Arab countries encourages the emergence of "terrorist" groups in the region, including the organization of the Islamic State.

At a meeting of Arab Justice and Interior Ministers, he said that "the conditions of agitation and fragmentation still facing some of our Arab countries offer a space for presence of such blood groups ".

This meeting, the third of its kind, aims to strengthen cooperation in the fight against organized crime in Arab countries.

Aboul Gheit continued: "Terrorism remains the most serious threat ever recorded, both in terms of the extent of its losses and its effects on the stability of societies and their ability to conduct a process of continuous development"

He praised the progress made in eliminating "the scourge called" etiquette ".

But he warned that "these groups are able to change their skin and develop their method of action to hit again".

Tunisian Prime Minister Yousef Al-Shahid, for his part, said that "the return of combatants from conflict zones adds to the level of threats, which requires preparation and prevention."

Two protocols and two agreements were signed at the meeting, according to the final communiqué.

Fight against human trafficking, fight against maritime piracy and cloning of human beings and organization of organ transplants and trafficking to combat trafficking.

The Algerian, Egyptian, Qatari, Kuwaiti and Yemeni interior ministers were not present at the meeting.

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Stressing the importance of the joint meeting of the Council of Ministers of the Interior and Justice of the Arabs today, in order to sensitize all the countries of the region to the gravity of terrorism and the need to work collectively to fight it. Source: Watt

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