Integrated graphics chips are generally low compared to external chips, but Intel plans to change its appearance relatively, as it will offer double processing capacity in its next graphics chip in 2019.
The company announced today that the 11th generation of graphics chipsets would offer even greater processing capacity than Teraflop, allowing many computer games to be played smoothly without the need for an expensive additional card.
To know the value of 1 Teraflop in terms of graphics to compare to the giants, the Xbox Onex comes with a graphics card with a capacity of 6 Teraflop, while the Playstation 4 is at 4.2 Teraflop and AMD has been the first to cross the Teraplop barrier with the HD4800 card 10 years ago.
Of course, we are not saying here that the integrated graphics chipset will be a competition for gaming platforms, but it will certainly offer twice the performance of the ninth generation graphics chipset, especially in the recognition applications of images, as well as 64 implementation units compared to 24 ninth generation units.
Intel will integrate these graphics chipsets with 10-nanometer processors that will be launched next year.
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