Intel Unveils Comet Lake 10th Generation Processors for Laptops


Earlier this month, Intel unveiled the first batch of 10th generation processors called Ice Lake. Today, we have a new set of processors, called Comet Lake, which performs better than Ice Lake.

The range of these processors includes eight U and Y series processors for laptops and lightweight laptops. It is manufactured with an accuracy of 10 and 14 nm.

The U Series offers 12 channels of processing with higher frequency speeds than Ice Lake processors and supports Wi-Fi 6 and Thunderbolt 3 technologies. More than 90 different notebook models will be available on the market at the end of this year, during the holiday season.

Intel has developed the chipset, graphics chip, wireless communications and other technologies, offering speeds ranging from 1.1 to 2.1 GHz with the ability to upgrade via turbo to 4, 7 GHz.

In terms of performance, it has become 16% better with more than 40% open Office applications compared to older processors, and hunderbolt 3 offers 8 times faster than the USB 3.0 standard in data transfer, as well as Wi -Fi 6 3 times faster than current wireless networks. .

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Source: World of Technology

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