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Have Arab governments, or some of them, reached the stage of no return in their ability to manage their internal affairs? Are the governments of our Arab countries concerned about solving their problems rather than trying to stimulate the economy, spread justice and create a climate conducive to the happiness of the people who run their businesses?
These questions, among others, arise again and we see demonstrations and demonstrations spread in many city streets, and even countryside, in several Arab countries.

What we see in Tunisia, Algeria and Mauritania, with more or less intensity and repetition, in Jordan and Lebanon, suggests that governments are plunged into a sea of ​​uncertainty and uncertainty. Uncertainty and do not know what to do.
Even in the Arab countries, where there are only angry demonstrations from time to time, this does not mean that their people are happier than others, what happened in Yemen, Iraq and Syria has forgotten the concerns of the world's population and has blamed their requirements on the minimum of survival and security.

There are forgotten Arab states that nobody remembers, like Somalia and the Comoros. Palestine is another story in itself. Therefore, it is imperative that many Arab countries have reached the stage of crisis in relations with their people, or those who go there, despite their wealth, to seek to protect themselves from their people, rather than seek the protection of other countries at high prices.

What is happening in Sudan is a tragedy in itself, as if the Sudan that had defeated the British leader Herbert Kieschner, led by Imam Mahdi and his companions, did not write for him to rest. . Even the elected civilian governments of this great and promising country have not been able to put the Sudanese economy on the path of growth and have found themselves in the hands of the long-serving military and have not not contributed to the development of this great country.

Sudan once called the basket of Arabian food. People were talking about billions of dunums or acres of arable land. Oil and other countries have repeatedly tried to obtain funds and contributions from national and regional development funds in the Arab world. But especially failed, especially agricultural projects.
After the secession of southern Sudan, the intensification of the security crisis in the Darfur region, the conflict with Egypt over the Halaib region and the stagnation of relations between the Gulf states, Sudan found itself in a new situation, which was no longer applicable to what was said in textbooks, Small space, I said prestige, and growing poverty.

Even President Omar al-Bashir spent some time under the threat of arrest because of a decision of the International Criminal Court. At the same time, Sudan was undergoing economic blockade and the devaluation of the Sudanese pound, so that a dollar was worth more than 47 Sudanese pounds.
Sudan is also suffering from a decrease in water quantities, with water management not being what it should be. At the same time, it was found that the water stocks were not as large as expected. This does not mean that Sudan is poor in water, but it does mean that Sudan, in its water situation, had to coordinate with Ethiopia in the framework of the dam project, which caused the wrath of Egypt.

At present, Egypt seems to have reached agreements with Ethiopia and Sudan, which has provided stable Nile water for at least a decade.
If Egypt reaches an agreement with the Sudan and if the relations between the two countries improve, it will be in the interest of both in the fields of employment, agricultural production, the creation of 'food industries, the exploitation of natural resources, mitigating the effects of inflation The Egyptian economy and the strengthening of the economic strength and security of the two countries.

In the Arab Mashreq, an agreement between Jordan, Palestine, Syria, Iraq and Lebanon is essential to improve the economic prospects of all these countries, to reduce reconstruction costs in Iraq and Syria and to improve the means of use water and energy resources.

Linking them to major strategic infrastructure projects, such as railways, oil and gas pipelines, industrial and productive areas, and benefiting from the available expertise will be sufficient to solve the problems of these countries for the foreseeable future. strengthen their capacity for cooperation.

The Gulf countries therefore have the right to cooperate with coherent Arab systems, such as the Arab Mashreq, the Egyptian-Sudanese conflict and the Maghreb, and to open up opportunities for diversification and investment in these countries. If the GCC is yet to be dismantled, it is their countries that are most likely to lose in the long run.
If we can not establish an Arab homeland, we must at least accept the existence of Arab communities based on strategic economic relations, rather than on trade and trade in services.

It is important to note the position of the State of Kuwait, which re-evaluated its policy after being exposed to its suffering and what it suffered after its release in 1991. It now supports Jordan and advocates reform between the State of Qatar and the countries that besiege it. It also seeks to contribute to the building of developing societies through contributions to Arab funds such as the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development and the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development, in addition to the roles of the Fund for Development. Investment by Kuwait, the Kuwait Fund for Small and Medium Enterprises, etc.

The time has come to learn that the Arabs are neighbors, that nothing will change this reality If we want to forget the common denominators, such as history, civilization, language and religion, let us remember the facts of history and geography.
The shocking facts about the Arab reality at the recent government conference in Dubai, which gathered 4,000 people and reflected in the figures of the United Nations and international institutions, should alarm those who own and who do not.

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