Internal transportation meets the wishes of 2274 in education in Jeddah


Internal transport meets the wishes of 2274 in the education of Jeddah

The Director General of Education in Jeddah Abdullah bin Ahmed Al Thaqafi approved the internal transportation of occupants and occupants of educational posts in the governorates of Jeddah, Khulais and Rabigh. (General Education Teacher, Special Education Teacher, Student Advisor, Senior Worker, Learning Resources Secretary, Laboratory Record, Computer Lab File).

[1056] of them were employed in educational positions and (1218) were employed in educational positions. The director of the Department of Teacher Affairs responsible Ali bin Abdullah Al-Ghamdi transferred the electronic part of the Noor system from the account of the head teacher's institution, and the headmaster transferred to teacher / teacher proof directly on Noor system.

For his part, the deputy director of the department of teachers Tahani Bint Abdullah Al Dosari explained that the movement of transport was based on the criteria and controls of the internal differentiation of the transports, explaining that the request on the result of the movement would be computerized. And for 10 days from the date of the declaration of the movement, as well as movable property and the school administration in Jeddah stated that the results of the movement can be found by the following link (here ), and to know the locations of the schools through the following link (here)

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