Investigator Reveals Jackson's "Tactics" of Child Abuse



Investigator exposes

Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson used traditional sexual tactics to separate alleged child victims from their parents before mistreating them, said a veteran investigator during an interview with the controversial documentary director.

In the film "Leaving Neverland", James Sevakak (40) and Wade Robson (36) speak about the details of the sexual assault suffered by the singer.

Director Dan Reid revealed details of his conversation with a California veteran investigator who investigated more than 4,000 cases of child sexual abuse, including the 1993 Los Angeles Police investigation into the Jackson case.

The investigator said Jackson's behavior was "the true pattern of child sexual exploitation," according to Director Reid.

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Robinson claims to have been assaulted by Michael Jackson at the age of seven. He says the practice lasted seven years and claimed that two companies of the King of Pop were used to attract children.

James Sevakak met Jackson at the age of nine when he was participating in Pepsi commercial advertising with the King of Pop in 1987.

In an interview with Channel 4, Reid said, "Sivakk and Robinson have described the step by step guide so that the family can be isolated and separated from the family and attract the parents, with the kindness of the mother and keeping the father at a great distance from the event., Robinson is talking about wanting Jackson to be his real father. "

"In particular, with the child, you can undermine the parents, especially the mother, like Jackson with both children, and encourage them to blame the mother for breaking the marriage."

Reid stated that the offender gradually controlled the victim's life, becoming his father, brother, counselor and sexual assailant.

"The experienced investigator also noted that it was not unusual for victims to remain silent even after many years of sexual assault, until some emotional and behavioral problems are beginning to appear. "

Jackson was acquitted in 2005 of sexual harassment charges, which did not include the Robinson and Sivakak cases, which initiated civil proceedings in 2015 against the King of Pop.

Source: the sun

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