Iranian agency alleges Hamdeen terror crisis


The political experts said Doha had asked the Arab countries to settle a dispute with the four anti-terror countries and the Doha boycott because of their support for terrorism and their interference in the region's internal affairs.

According to the follow-up of the "Arab Yemen", the former Deputy Foreign Minister, Ahmed Al Quwaisni, told the newspaper "Today" Saudi Arabia that the Qatari regime is trying to get out of the crisis by cooperating with forces hostile to the Arabs, as Iran deepening the crisis not contributing to the resolution Sheltering its territory, denying what the Hamdeen system says, the Arabian Quartet besieging Qatar, but the procedures and positions within the province allow him to withdraw from his destructive plans for the Arab world.

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In turn, the expert Islamic movements Mustafa Hamza: Doubts hover around the news, because the source of an Iranian news agency is undoubtedly in the attempts to l '. Persian state to rescue its ally from Qatar of isolation, which has suffered since the decision of the four countries of the province of Doha and not under siege, as claimed by Hamdin and his allies, stressing that Doha always insists on stubborn refusal to respond to the 13 requests, the main one of which is to stop supporting terrorist groups and extremism.

Hamza pointed out that the Qatari regime continued to support the Muslim Brotherhood in an anti-Arab way and provided its members with safe havens on its territory, as well as funding channels and media led by the Brotherhood's leadership to abuse regimes. chaos in the Arab world, their motivations and interests being common, takes positive action in a number of thorny Arab issues by abandoning the support of terrorists and the Muslim Brotherhood, ceasing to conspire in such Arab issues Yemen, Syria and Libya, and ending the Qatari media programs that fuel Arab conflict.

In a related context, the Arab affairs expert and the chairman of the People's Voice Party, Ahmed Al-Barawi, asked: How does Qatar seek reconciliation at this time, in which it does not met any of the conditions set by the Quartet to stop support for terrorist organizations and prevent regional forces from intervening in Arab affairs like Iran? Turkey. Al-Barawi pointed out that Qatar had been involved in major crises to divide the Arab ranks and insisted that terrorist groups be funded and funded, indicating that Iran was trying to end the campaigns of criticism directed against the Qatari diet in many countries of the world.

He explained that what is repeated from time to time about reconciliation is Qatar's attempts to catch its breath and then return to the same conspiracy approach. –

The secrets of the week: experts: What the Iranian agency has claimed to reflect the crisis of the regime of terrorist Hamdin. The abandonment of the newspaper secrets of the week to assume the entire content of this news, but the responsibility lies with the original publisher of the news and at the source is the site: Arab Yemen

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