Iraqi delegation visits World Center for Dialogue in Vienna and notes efforts to coexist and accept pluralism


Bin Mouammar: The visit is a very important step to support the programs implemented in Arab countries

Iraqi delegation visits World Center for Dialogue in Vienna and notes efforts to coexist and accept pluralism

A 28-member Iraqi delegation led by Dr. Mustafa Amin al-Hiti, head of the Reconstruction Fund, and members of the Iraqi government, parliament and academic community, visited the King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz International Center for dialogue between religions and cultures. He received the Center's secretary, Faisal bin Muammar, who welcomed them and informed them of the Center's efforts in the areas of dialogue and coexistence, the acceptance of pluralism and respect for diversity. in the framework of common citizenship, as well as its platforms established in various parts of the world, in Europe, in Africa, in the Arab region and in Myanmar. Various experiences in the fields of dialogue and the promotion of coexistence.

He also informed the Iraqi delegation of the programs of the Arab Platform for Dialogue and Cooperation in various regions of the Arab world, in which 23 Islamic and Christian religious leaders and institutions, including the Arab Scholarship Program, the network of Islamic religious seminaries and Christians and programs promoting common citizenship.

Bin Muammar reviewed with the Iraqi delegation the mechanisms and tools of dialogue in the center, focused on building bridges and consolidating coexistence between followers of different religions and cultures. The founding countries of the Center: Saudi Arabia , Republic of Austria, Kingdom of Spain and Vatican. Build bridges of cooperation between individuals, leaders, religious institutions and decision makers.

He stressed the importance of the cooperation and support of individuals, leaders, various religious institutions and policy makers for the implementation of programs and support for the Center's efforts in the development of dialogue projects and projects. Cooperation platform in the Arab world, such as the fight against violence and extremism, peacebuilding and activation of the role of religion. And to form national teams to support the programs of consolidation of the common citizenship and to take advantage of the efforts of the network of seminaries and Islamic and Christian institutes in the Arab world, which are working to develop a dialogue between the followers of the religions in to integrate it into existing programs. In the region.

This visit is a very important step in supporting many programs implemented in Arab countries, including Iraq, and he expressed the hope of a fruitful cooperation and the establishment of common programs with all sectors of society in Arab countries, results likely to be translated. In this regard, in order to spread the culture of dialogue. Coexistence and peacebuilding.

Dr. Mustafa Amin Al-Hiti and the accompanying Iraqi delegation were briefed on the vision and mission of the Global Center for Dialogue and its programs in Europe, Africa, Myanmar and the Arab States through setting up platforms for dialogue; Saudi Arabia and its continued support for the work of the Global Center for Dialogue aimed at consolidating global dialogue and promoting coexistence and peacebuilding with the participation of Austria, the United States, Spain and the Vatican, welcomed the Center's active participation in international forums and conferences.

The Global Center for Dialogue, which focuses on the Arab region in its areas of intervention, alongside Europe, Africa and Asia, aims to contribute to peacebuilding and the fight against extremism by launching joint national programs among various individuals, religious leaders and institutions, and developing training programs for peacebuilding and coexistence. Programs and foundations of shared citizenship to achieve security and peace for all.

Iraqi delegation visits World Center for Dialogue in Vienna and notes efforts to coexist and accept pluralism

Already electronic newspaper previously 2019-03-03

A 28-member Iraqi delegation led by Dr. Mustafa Amin al-Hiti, head of the Reconstruction Fund, and members of the Iraqi government, parliament and academic community, visited the King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz International Center for dialogue between religions and cultures. He received the Center's secretary, Faisal bin Muammar, who welcomed them and informed them of the Center's efforts in the areas of dialogue and coexistence, the acceptance of pluralism and respect for diversity. in the framework of common citizenship, as well as its platforms established in various parts of the world, in Europe, in Africa, in the Arab region and in Myanmar. Various experiences in the fields of dialogue and the promotion of coexistence.

He also informed the Iraqi delegation of the programs of the Arab Platform for Dialogue and Cooperation in various regions of the Arab world, in which 23 Islamic and Christian religious leaders and institutions, including the Arab Scholarship Program, the network of Islamic religious seminaries and Christians and programs promoting common citizenship.

Bin Muammar reviewed with the Iraqi delegation the mechanisms and tools of dialogue in the center, focused on building bridges and consolidating coexistence between followers of different religions and cultures. The founding countries of the Center: Saudi Arabia , Republic of Austria, Kingdom of Spain and Vatican. Build bridges of cooperation between individuals, leaders, religious institutions and decision makers.

He stressed the importance of the cooperation and support of individuals, leaders, various religious institutions and policy makers for the implementation of programs and support for the Center's efforts in the development of dialogue projects and projects. Cooperation platform in the Arab world, such as the fight against violence and extremism, peacebuilding and activation of the role of religion. And to form national teams to support the programs of consolidation of the common citizenship and to take advantage of the efforts of the network of seminaries and Islamic and Christian institutes in the Arab world, which are working to develop a dialogue between the followers of the religions in to integrate it into existing programs. In the region.

This visit is a very important step in supporting many programs implemented in Arab countries, including Iraq, and he expressed the hope of a fruitful cooperation and the establishment of common programs with all sectors of society in Arab countries, results likely to be translated. In this regard, in order to spread the culture of dialogue. Coexistence and peacebuilding.

Dr. Mustafa Amin Al-Hiti and the accompanying Iraqi delegation were briefed on the vision and mission of the Global Center for Dialogue and its programs in Europe, Africa, Myanmar and the Arab States through setting up platforms for dialogue; Saudi Arabia and its continued support for the work of the Global Center for Dialogue aimed at consolidating global dialogue and promoting coexistence and peacebuilding with the participation of Austria, the United States, Spain and the Vatican, welcomed the Center's active participation in international forums and conferences.

The Global Center for Dialogue, which focuses on the Arab region in its areas of intervention, alongside Europe, Africa and Asia, aims to contribute to peacebuilding and the fight against extremism by launching joint national programs among various individuals, religious leaders and institutions, and developing training programs for peacebuilding and coexistence. Programs and foundations of shared citizenship to achieve security and peace for all.

March 03, 2019 – Jumada Al-Akhirah 1440

The time now is 15:46 PM

Bin Mouammar: The visit is a very important step to support the programs implemented in Arab countries

A 28-member Iraqi delegation led by Dr. Mustafa Amin al-Hiti, head of the Reconstruction Fund, and members of the Iraqi government, parliament and academic community, visited the King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz International Center for dialogue between religions and cultures. He received the Center's secretary, Faisal bin Muammar, who welcomed them and informed them of the Center's efforts in the areas of dialogue and coexistence, the acceptance of pluralism and respect for diversity. in the framework of common citizenship, as well as its platforms established in various parts of the world, in Europe, in Africa, in the Arab region and in Myanmar. Various experiences in the fields of dialogue and the promotion of coexistence.

He also informed the Iraqi delegation of the programs of the Arab Platform for Dialogue and Cooperation in various regions of the Arab world, in which 23 Islamic and Christian religious leaders and institutions, including the Arab Scholarship Program, the network of Islamic religious seminaries and Christians and programs promoting common citizenship.

Bin Muammar reviewed with the Iraqi delegation the mechanisms and tools of dialogue in the center, focused on building bridges and consolidating coexistence between followers of different religions and cultures. The founding countries of the Center: Saudi Arabia , Republic of Austria, Kingdom of Spain and Vatican. Build bridges of cooperation between individuals, leaders, religious institutions and decision makers.

He stressed the importance of the cooperation and support of individuals, leaders, various religious institutions and policy makers for the implementation of programs and support for the Center's efforts in the development of dialogue projects and projects. Cooperation platform in the Arab world, such as the fight against violence and extremism, peacebuilding and activation of the role of religion. And to form national teams to support the programs of consolidation of the common citizenship and to take advantage of the efforts of the network of seminaries and Islamic and Christian institutes in the Arab world, which are working to develop a dialogue between the followers of the religions in to integrate it into existing programs. In the region.

This visit is a very important step in supporting many programs implemented in Arab countries, including Iraq, and he expressed the hope of a fruitful cooperation and the establishment of common programs with all sectors of society in Arab countries, results likely to be translated. In this regard, in order to spread the culture of dialogue. Coexistence and peacebuilding.

Dr. Mustafa Amin Al-Hiti and the accompanying Iraqi delegation were briefed on the vision and mission of the Global Center for Dialogue and its programs in Europe, Africa, Myanmar and the Arab States through setting up platforms for dialogue; Saudi Arabia and its continued support for the work of the Global Center for Dialogue aimed at consolidating global dialogue and promoting coexistence and peacebuilding with the participation of Austria, the United States, Spain and the Vatican, welcomed the Center's active participation in international forums and conferences.

The Global Center for Dialogue, which focuses on the Arab region in its areas of intervention, alongside Europe, Africa and Asia, aims to contribute to peacebuilding and the fight against extremism by launching joint national programs among various individuals, religious leaders and institutions, and developing training programs for peacebuilding and coexistence. Programs and foundations of shared citizenship to achieve security and peace for all.

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