Iraqi Ministerial Delegation to Saudi Arabia to Discuss Improved Cooperation


Iraqi Ministerial Delegation to Saudi Arabia to Discuss the Promotion of Cooperation

Wednesday – November 5, 1439 – July 18, 2018 Publication Number [

Riyadh: "Middle East"

A high-level Iraqi ministerial delegation will visit Saudi Arabia to discuss with the Saudi government a number of issues related to the activation of air, sea and land transport between the two countries. "The delegation includes Planning Minister Salman Jumaili, who heads the Iraqi side to the existing council between the two countries, and the oil ministers Jabbar al-Luaibi and electricity Qassim al-Fahdawi and the Minister of Planning Abdul-Zahra al-Hindawi, The visit of the delegation comes at the request of Prime Minister Haider al-Abbadi to discuss with the Saudi side of a number of issues and discuss the energy issue and others issues related to the activation of air, sea and land transport between the two countries


Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia


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