Is the Arab Spring back?


What is the Arab Spring? News source – the new Arabic with the details of the news Is the Arab Spring back? :

Akhbar Al-Youm – The first wave of the Arab Spring in 2011 launched a natural, objective and expected victory, negative accumulations that dominated the Arab countries for half a century, characterized by dictatorship, corruption and mismanagement.

It was hoped that the revolutions of youth would succeed in building a modern model of a modern state, where democracy, development and liberation would have been transformed, but the deep state apparatus, the militarization of revolutions and the confusion of interests between Arab dictatorships and International and regional interests have turned the Arab Spring into an open holocaust that continues to flow in Yemen, Libya and Syria. And managed partly in Tunisia and back in Egypt.
The revolutions of the Arab peoples in Syria, Yemen and Libya were discouraging and frustrating for him and his movement, so we found that the liberation current had abruptly stopped after the invasion of seven Arab countries. In one year, this resulted from the catastrophic consequences that made everyone seem to be losing.
The objective conditions of the revolution still exist in most third world countries, especially in the Arab countries, where poverty, unemployment, corruption, social class, power and lack of hope. The Arab revolutions were expected to be restored and the success of the Tunisian revolution still gives hope to Arab youth the possibility of change, despite the great decline in other areas of liberation.
Young Arabs are emerging today in Algeria and Sudan, clearly announcing the beginning of the second wave of the Arab Spring: it seems that the Arab man is ready for freedom at any cost, that he no longer seems acceptable that millions of young people live in despair, frustration and unemployment. After the complete and chronic failure of the construction of a modern, prosperous and democratic state, with the aim of preserving the dignity and rights of man.
The most important of those who believe that there is a way other than the path of democracy to make their way in the future, and more importantly than I think, that the dictatorship can achieve for peoples who are victims of failure, injustice, corruption and domination. The Arab world is today on the threshold of a new stage in history, to be written by Arab youth and its deadly murderer.

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