Is the asteroid "Vista" a threat to the Earth?


The director of the Planetary Protection Center announced that the large asteroid "Vista" would pose no danger to the Earth when it reached its nearest point on July 12th. "There is no need to protect this asteroid because it poses no danger to the Earth's population because it will fly 170 million kilometers from our planet," said Anatoly Zaitsv, void spoken by people and limited knowledge. "

The diameter of the giant asteroid" Vista "576 km.The speed of the Earth is 19346 km / s, the second largest asteroid of the belt between Mars and Jupiter, after the asteroid "Palada"

The world scientist Henry Olbersum discovered the asteroid on March 29, 1807, and was named "Vista" in honor of the gods of the ancient Roman house. 19659003] "Vista" revolves around the Sun in 3.63 years, in a semicircular orbit, the brightest asteroid of the sky, so that it can be seen at night with the naked eye

Source: Novosti

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