"Islamic Cooperation" condemns provocative "Wilders" contest for curries


The Organization of Islamic Cooperation strongly condemned the announcement of the Cartoon Contest of the Prophet – peace be upon him – which was announced by a Member of Parliament (19659004) The Secretary-General of the Organization, Dr. Yousef bin Ahmed Al-Othaimeen, expressed deep concern about this provocative contest, which further incites and sows the seeds of hatred among different followers of religions.

"Al – Uthaymeen": While the whole world is facing religious extremism and terrorism, peace, dialogue and tolerance, it is time to develop binding legal instruments to to prevent incitement, racism, discrimination, religious hatred and respect for all religions.

"Freedom of expression does not mean to upset others. Condemns the provocative cartoon contest "Wilders" of the Prophet


The Organization of Islamic Cooperation strongly condemns the announcement of a Caricatures Contest of the Prophet – peace be upon him -, which was announced by a member of parliament (19659004) The Secretary-General of the Organization, Dr. Yousef bin Ahmed Al- Othaimeen, expressed his deep concern about this provocative contest, which further incites and sows the seeds of hatred among different followers of religions.

"While the entire world is facing religious extremism and terrorism and in need of peace, dialogue and tolerance, it is time to put in place international legal instruments to prevent terrorism. incitement, racism, discrimination, religious hatred and respect for all religions. "

The Global Principle of Metaphor

July 24, 2018 – 11 Dhu al-Qa'dah 1439

1:00 pm

The organization: causes a new incitement and sows the seeds of hatred between different followers of religions

The Secretary-General of the Organization, Dr. Yousef bin Ahmed Al-Othaimeen, expressed his deep concern about the publication of the cartoon contest of the Prophet, peace and blessings on him by a member of the Dutch Parliament, Geert Wilders. This provocative contest, which provokes an additional incentive and sow the seeds of hatred between the different followers of religions.

The "Othaimeen" said: It is time to put in place legally binding legal instruments to prevent incitement, racism, discrimination, religious hatred and respect for all religions.

Freedom of expression does not mean insulting the feelings of others, contrary to the universal principle of respect for religions.

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