Israel prevents a Swedish activist from entering Palestine


Israeli occupation authorities prevented Swedish activist Benjamin Ladra from entering Palestine after reaching King Hussein 's bridge between Palestine and Jordan on foot from Sweden.

Fatah considered in a press release that Ladra's prevention "inscribed itself in the context of the incapacity and fear of Israeli public opinion and a failed attempt to conceal the truth that confirms that it embodies the most ugly manifestations of racism. " Feet for 11 months crossing borders States and continents send a message of freedom and justice to the world.

She considered that Ladra "meant that there is a Palestinian people still subject to all sorts of racism and oppression through occupation, and that it is time to make to hear his voice against this occupation. "

In a press release, Hamas praised" its courageous efforts and attitudes towards Palestine and its oppressed people, "declaring that its initiative" drew the world's attention on the violations of Palestine and its people ".

What achieved the disgusting isolation policy imposed by the occupation on the thousand people (19659002), and emphasized that "these Israeli practices should serve as a catalyst for other examples international solidarity with the Palestinian people ".

Ladra wrote on his Facebook page, that Israel did not allow him to enter the Palestinian territories after being interrogated for six hours.

He launched an unprecedented initiative to reach the Palestinian territories on foot in an 11-month trip to call for peace and the end of the Israeli occupation. d, s, id) {
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