Israeli-Iranian conflict over the invasion of space


The competition between Israel and Iran takes on a new dimension and goes from space to space.Tel Aviv announcing his intention to launch a spaceship on the moon here the end of next year, Tehran said that sending a man into space is one of his priorities.

Israel plans to launch an unmanned spacecraft on the moon aboard a Falcon 9 rocket from SpaceScape, Inc., in Cape Town, Florida, in December. Israeli Minister Ofir Gendelman said on Sunday that the vehicle will land on the moon on February 13. In 2019, the Israeli flag will focus on its surface. According to the Times of Israel newspaper on its website, project leaders announced at a press conference that the unmanned Israeli spacecraft is expected to land on the moon on February 13 next year, two months after launch from the ground. If successful, Space Israel will have access to the exclusive club of only three countries that have already landed on the moon: the United States, Russia and China. "In the first leg, the Israeli flag will be placed on the moon," said Edo Entebbe, general manager of Space EL, which will measure the magnetic field of the moon. The EL Space is no more than 2 meters in diameter, 1.5 meters long, four legs and weighs 600 pounds, making it the smallest vehicle to land on the moon.

Israeli billionaire Morris Kahn, president of Space IL Who donated $ 27 million to the project: "We make history". Since 1966, the United States and the former Soviet Union have sent about 12 unmanned spaceships to the moon using braking power for a soft landing, while China did so in 2013. The vehicle Israeli cost about $ 88.5 million. "When the rocket is launched into space, we will all remember where we were when Israel landed on the moon," said Morris Kahn, who expressed hope that this mission would have "Apollo effect" "for the next generation in Israel. 19659004] said Ofer Doron, head of the Space Department at the Manufacturers Association

In contrast, the head of the Iranian Space Center, Manouchehr Logi, announced that the shipment of 39, a man in space with international aid is a priority of his country's space program. . The Iranian news agency Mehr expressed the feeling that "sending humans into space using international capabilities, as well as the development of research in biology and environment, is a priority of the national space program in Iran". "The focus is on the development and expansion of public space services that will be provided to the community." He stressed that "one of the most important priorities of this program is the development of research on the environment and biology and the transfer of humans into space, in taking advantage of international opportunities ". He stressed that "one of the priorities of this program is to develop the field of space exploration at the level of all the scientific centers of the country and to create cooperation at the level of the various national associations and coalitions. international. " Iranian President Hassan Rowhani announced in December 2013 The "Auspicious" was sent to space by a rocket in the second operation of this kind, as part of its space research program.

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