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A new Israeli study is bringing bad news for people who have recovered from the emerging “Corona” virus, namely that it affects their physical form.
The study, prepared by researchers at Beilinson Hospital in Petah Tikva, Israel, concluded that the emergence of the “Corona” virus causes rapid aging in terms of fitness levels.
Researchers found that recovering “Corona” patients, on average 45 years old, exhibited lower fitness levels for an 80-year-old man, according to the “Times of Israel” newspaper.
And a test measuring how far these recovered patients could walk in 6 minutes found that they could only walk 450 meters (a little over a lap around a track), compared to 700 meters (about 1, 75 laps around the track) that healthy adults would take. on the same age group.
كما طلب من المشاركين المتعافين من فيروس “كورونا” المستجد قضاء نصف دقيقة بشكل متكرر في الوقوف والجلوس, وكان المريض المتعافي من (كوفيد -19) قادر على الوقوف 14 مرة فقط في تلك المدة الزمنية, وهو أقل من نصف ما يمكن لنظيره غير المصاب بالعدوى do it.
The study researchers also told the Israeli newspaper “Jerusalem Post” that this decrease in physical condition can be observed in daily life in several ways, such as difficulty breathing, muscle pain, heart problems, and more. Other problems.
The study extracted its results after running experiments on a small sample of just 30 participants, and it was only measured after 3 months of recovery, and the researchers did not specify a way to find out how these participants will continue to recover in the long term.
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